Fine Art Photographs
Discover a wide selection of images in our online gallery. To make our collections more accessible, we are continually digitizing and adding more images. Scholars, museum professionals and classes can view original photographs from our collection by contacting Archives staff, and providing at least six weeks notice.
The Center for Creative Photography’s fine print collection includes over 100,000 prints, and the Center continues to acquire work through purchase and donation. Dedicated to expanding the history of photography, generating new discourse, and reflecting the rich variety of our communities, CCP established an endowment in 2021 committed to diversifying the collection and acquiring the work of historically underrepresented artists. As the Center approaches its 50th Anniversary, it is critical that the institution focuses on sustainable collecting practices for the next 50 years. To do this work with best practice, CCP is undergoing an assessment of acquisition criteria, staffing, process, and capacity. During this time, the acceptance of donations will be greatly reduced.

Ansel Adams

Louis Carlos Bernal

Lola Álvarez Bravo

Louise Dahl-Wolfe

Robert Heinecken

Aaron Siskind

Frederick Sommer

Edward Weston

Max Yavno
Complete List Of Photographers A-Z
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