University of Arizona

Request for Film, Television or Mobile App Use

Request for Film, Television or Mobile App Use
Confirm Use
Organization designation

Organization Information

Mailing Address
Mailing Address

Requested Photographs or Archive Objects

NOTE: FOR THREE (3) IMAGES OR LESS, please ONLY use the ADD ITEM 'buttons' below. If you do NOT, processing may be delayed. If MORE than three (4+) images are required, please upload a list which includes the CCP accession number, thumbnail image, or both, AND the finished image size relative to the page (full, quarter, half) you wish to reproduce at.

Add items

Service needed

Maximum file size: 2MB

If you are requesting MORE than 3 images, please add your image list. You can also upload a reference jpg if you did NOT find the CCP accession number in our image catalog for the photograph you are seeking.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt rtf pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx.

Film Project Details

Please enter your project title and/or the title of the program.
Type of use
Provide any additional information about the use such as what network the film would be broadcast on, what channel, planned quantities of DVDs, etc.
Film distribution market

Mobile App Project Details

Distribution channel(s)
Market Term

Does not guarantee your schedule can be met.

Maximum file size: 2MB

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt rtf pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx.
Please provide any other useful information about your project or course.

Image Resources and Copyright Management