World Leaders & Political Icons

David Hume Kennerly, HRH Prince Charles and Richard Nixon, United States President, during a Visit to the White House, Washington, D.C., 1970

David Hume Kennerly, Hillary Clinton and John Doar, Lawyer for the Rodino Committee and Chief Counsel for the Committee, Bringing Impeachment Charges against President Nixon in Judiciary Committee Hearing Room, Washington, D.C, 1974

David Hume Kennerly, HM Queen Elizabeth II Visiting the White House for a State Dinner during the United States Bicentennial Festivities, Washington, D.C., 1976

David Hume Kennerly, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senator, New York, New York, 1982

David Hume Kennerly, George Bush and Tip O'Neill, Vice President and Speaker of the House, at President Ronald Reagan's Second State of the Union Speech, House Chambers, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., 1983

David Hume Kennerly, George Bush and Tip O'Neill, Vice President and Speaker of the House, at President Ronald Reagan's Second State of the Union Speech, House Chambers, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., 1983

David Hume Kennerly, George Bush and Tip O'Neill, Vice President and Speaker of the House, at President Ronald Reagan's Second State of the Union Speech, House Chambers, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., 1983

David Hume Kennerly, George Bush and Tip O'Neill, Vice President and Speaker of the House, at President Ronald Reagan's Second State of the Union Speech, House Chambers, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., 1983

David Hume Kennerly, John Kerry and John McCain, Senators, Senate Reception Room, Washington, D.C., 1997

David Hume Kennerly, Hillary Clinton, First Lady, Campaigning, Bally's Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1996

David Hume Kennerly, Fidel Castro, President of Cuba, Havana, Cuba, 1977

David Hume Kennerly, Thurgood Marshall and William T. Coleman, Associate Supreme Court Justice and Secretary of Transportation, Washington, D.C., 1975

David Hume Kennerly, Spiro Agnew, Former Vice President, after Resigning Office, Baltimore, Maryland, 1973

David Hume Kennerly, Fidel Castro, President of Cuba, Havana, Cuba, 1979

David Hume Kennerly, Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt, Giza Pyramid Complex, Egypt, 1977

David Hume Kennerly, Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, before Addressing the Congressional Women's Caucus, United States Capitol, Washington, D.C., 2001

David Hume Kennerly, Foster Chanock and Dick Cheney, White House Aide and Chief of Staff, Ride Bumper Cars, Dallas, Texas, 1976

David Hume Kennerly, Leonid Brezhnev, Soviet Leader, Smoking a Cigarette, Helsinki, Finland, 1975

David Hume Kennerly, Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, with Soldiers, Baghdad, Iraq, 2004

David Hume Kennerly, Generalissimo Francisco Franco and His Wife, Carmen Polo, on the Occasion of President Gerald R. Ford’s State Visit, Madrid, 1975

David Hume Kennerly, Madeleine Albright and John F. Kennedy Jr., Secretary of State and Journalist, during an Interview for George Magazine, ca. 1998
David Hume Kennerly has long photographed leaders in our national and international communities. These images speak to the subject’s power and persona, as well as to our collective preoccupation with political celebrity.