University of Arizona

Requesting Items for Research

Ready to visit the study center? If so, CCP’s request management tool, Aeon, has you covered! On this page, you’ll find instructions for how to use this system.

Set up an account

All users are required to create an account to use CCP’s study center. If you would like assistance or have questions, please contact us at

  1. Open a web browser to Aeon
  2. Choose an Aeon Login or Register option to create an account
    • UA affiliates with a NetID, select the Affiliated Users option
  3. Click on the First Time Users link
  4. After reading the New User Registration page, click the I Agree button
  5. Fill in the registration form with your real email address and click the Send Information button at the bottom of the page

Schedule a research appointment

  1. Open a web browser and login to Aeon
  2. From the main menu at the top of the page, click Appointments
  3. Click the Schedule Appointments button
  4. A pop-up scheduling window will open
  5. Follow the prompts to schedule your appointment
    • While the scheduling pop-up window is open, you may schedule a single one hour visit or full day visits on many different days 
  6. Click Close to close the scheduling pop-up window

Request archives for your appointment

The easiest way to request something from the archives is to request the item directly from the item’s record online.

  1. Find an item that you are interested in from CCP’s ArchivesSpace
  2. Click the Aeon Request button at the top right of the page in ArchivesSpace
  3. The request will then appear in the Saved Requests page in Aeon
  4. If you would like to save your request for later and not send it to staff to be pulled immediately, you’re now finished and you will be able to find your request again later in your Saved Requests page in Aeon
  5. If you are ready to send your request to staff without editing it, skip ahead to Step 7
  6. If you are requesting a lot of items and need to designate the order in which you would like to view items, or if you would like to leave notes about an item for yourself or staff, click the edit button to the right of the item you’re interested in
    • On the Edit the Request page, scroll down and leave any needed notes in the My Notes or Special Requests/Questions? fields
    • Save the request in one of two ways:
      • Click Send Request if you would like this item to immediately go into your item request queue (limit of 15 items)
      • Click Save Request for Later if you would like to save the request in your account but not ask to have it pulled just yet.
  7. Click the checkbox next to the request
  8. In the Appointment dropdown, select the appointment when you would like to view the item or click the New Appointment to set-up a new appointment
  9. Click the Send Request button
  10. Repeat these steps to request additional boxes

Request items for your appointment using a manual form

If you are requesting something from the archives, we highly recommend that you request the item directly from its record using the steps just above.

  1. Open a web browser and login to Aeon
  2. From the top navigation bar, click the New Request 
  3. Click on the appropriate Manual Request form based on the type of item you would like to request
    • If you are requesting archive items, we recommend requesting items directly from an item’s record using the steps above. 
    • Fine prints – a very limited number of fine print research appointments are available. Item requests and appointments for fine print viewings must be approved a minimum of six weeks in advance.
  4. Fill in the required information for a request
  5. Optional: Associate this request with an appointment or class
    • If you have already scheduled an appointment, the appointment will be auto-populated in the Appointment field
    • If you would like to create a new or different appointment to view this item, click the New Appointment button and follow the prompts
  6. Click the Send Request button
    • If you are requesting a large number of items, choose Send Request for all of the items that you would like to see first (up to 15). Choose Save Request for Later for items that you would like to see later in your visit. 
  7. Repeat these steps to send additional requests

Request reference imaging for specific items

More information about reference imaging can be found on our Research Services page

  1. Open a web browser and login to Aeon
  2. Find an item that you are interested in from CCP’s ArchivesSpace
  3. Click the Aeon Request button at the top right of the page in ArchivesSpace
  4. The request will then appear in the Saved Requests page in Aeon
  5. In the request row, click the Request Copy button
  6. Review the information on the Edit the Imaging Request page and edit as needed
  7. Click the Send Request button
  8. Repeat these steps request reference imaging for additional items

Request items for an upcoming class/group visit

If you are interested in bringing your class or group to CCP, please fill out a Class Request Form. After we’ve confirmed your class or group visit date and time, you’ll be able to request items specifically for your class session by following the steps below.

  1. Open a web browser and login to Aeon
  2. Find an item that you are interested in seeing during your session
  3. Begin to request using the direct request option for archive items or by using a manual form (see steps above)
  4. Before submitting the request, select the activity from the drop-down menu in the Request For field on the request form
  5. Click the Send Request button at the bottom of the page
  6. Repeat the steps above to add additional requests to the activity

Edit a Request

You can edit a request that you have already sent until staff begin to work on with your request. If you would like to edit a request after but are not able to, please email to let us know what you would like to change. 

  1. Open a web browser and login to Aeon
  2. Navigate to the Main Menu
  3. In the Outstanding Requests section, you will see a list of all of your current requests
  4. For any request with the status, Awaiting Request Processing, click on the transaction Title or the Details button
  5. Click the Edit Request option and add a note to the My Notes field on the request
  6. Click the Submit Request button

Clone a Request

Once a request has been finished, it cannot be re-opened, but it can be cloned! Cloning can be useful if you want to re-request a box that you’ve looked at before, if you want to request imaging from a box you’ve looked at before – or vice versa – or request a box that you previously looked at in any context for an activity. 

  1. Open a web browser and login to Aeon
  2. Navigate to the Order History menu and choose the All Requests option
  3. Open a reading room request by clicking on the Title or Details button
  4. Click on the Clone Request link
  5. In the new request form, review the request details
    • See the instructions above for more info about how to associate this request with an activity, or request items for reference imaging
  6. Once all details are set, click the Save Request for Later button
  7. Navigate to the Order History menu and choose the Saved Requests option to see your saved request