Become a Member
Members play a vital role at the Center for Creative Photography. Whether at $50 or $500, annual member contributions help keep our galleries free and open for everyone. CCP’s membership program also supports events, community celebrations, and other public programming–and each paying member makes it possible to offer a complimentary membership to a local student.
Member Benefits
Members of all giving levels receive special access to the Center’s activities, including invitations to members-only events and programs, as well as behind-the-scenes tours. Members also receive a 10% discount on CCP publications and merchandise, as well as a CCP membership card that includes reciprocal membership benefits and free entry to all museums associated with the College and University Reciprocal Museum Program.
How to Join
- Become a member online via the UA Foundation
- Contact Aidan Avery, Executive Assistant, at (520) 621-7970
- Download, complete, and mail the Membership Form to
- Center for Creative Photography
ATTN: Aidan Avery
1030 N Olive Rd
Tucson, AZ 85721
- Center for Creative Photography
Director’s Circle
For those seeking a higher level of patronage and a more intimate relationship with the Center, learn about joining CCP’s Director’s Circle.