Photo Friday

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Birmingham, Alabama, 1963. SNCC workers outside the funeral: Emma Bell, Dorie Ladner, Dona Richards, Sam Shirah and Doris Derby
Birmingham, Alabama, 1963. SNCC workers outside the funeral: Emma Bell, Dorie Ladner, Dona Richards, Sam Shirah and Doris Derby,  1963, © ©Danny Lyon,  Gift of Patricia Carr Morgan and Peter Salomon
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Somewhere in the South. The "Colored" Section at the Back of the Bus
Somewhere in the South. The "Colored" Section at the Back of the Bus,  1946-1949 ca. 1946, © ©1998 Center for Creative Photography, Arizona Board of Regents,  Marion Palfi Archive/Gift of the Menninger Foundation and Martin Magner
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11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sept. 6, 2013


Volkerding Print Viewing Room

The Civil Rights Movement

September 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of a bomb explosion outside Sunday services at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, that wounded over 20 and killed four young black girls during the height of America’s Civil Rights Movement. The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered their eulogy.  Perpetrated by the Ku Klux Klan and meant to slow the growing civil rights movement in the South, the racist killings instead fueled protests that helped speed passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which banned discrimination based on “race, color, religion, sex or national origin” in employment practices and public accommodations.

This Photo Friday will feature Marion Palfi’s photographs of segregation and victims of racism in the South, a selection of portraits of The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Benedict Fernandez, and Danny Lyon’s poignant images of grief-stricken funeral mourners in Birmingham as well as non-violent protests and violent arrests.

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Flood Dream, Ocean City, New Jersey
Flood Dream, Ocean City, New Jersey,  1971, © © Arthur Tress Trust,  Collection Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona
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Night Bathing
Night Bathing,  1939, © © 1989 Center for Creative Photography, The University of Arizona Board of Regents,  Collection Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona
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11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. April 5, 2013


Volkerding Print Viewing Room



In the pre-digital age of photography, practitioners explored the concept of illusion by staging scenes and darkroom manipulation as well as by careful positioning of their subjects and their cameras. This selection of images includes work by Richard Avedon, Lotte Beese, Karl Blossfeldt, André Kertész, Arthur Tress, Ruth Hollos, Erich Consemüller, Minor White, Louise Dahl-Wolfe and Emmanuel Rudnitsky. 

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Kohatk, Arizona
Kohatk, Arizona,  1992, © © Kozo Miyoshi,  Collection Center for Creative Photography, Gift of the artist, DEP'T CO., LTD., Tokyo, Nippon Polaroid, Tsudani Oil Co. Ltd.
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Moslem Women Praying, Kashmir
Moslem Women Praying, Kashmir,  1948, © ©Henri Cartier-Bresson/Magnum Photos, 
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11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 1, 2013


Volkerding Print Viewing Room

The belief in gods or religious doctrines and their presence in our lives has been fertile ground for photographers who have interpreted people, objects, rituals and places of devotion and worship. This viewing includes work by Graciela Iturbide, Aaron Siskind, Nubar Alexanian, Kozo Miyoshi, Henri Cartier- Bresson, Felix Bonfils, Mark Klett, Yoshiyasu Suzuka and Gail Skoff.

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Anna in Her Room
Anna in Her Room,  1964, © Permission granted ©Jack Welpott Legacy Trust,  Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona
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Untitled,  c. 1930s, © Orphan work,  Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona: Sonya Noskowiak Archive/Gift of Arthur Noskowiak
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11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Feb. 1, 2013


Volkerding Print Viewing Room

This investigation of enclosed spaces, objects, people, light and shadow offers a range of images from the intimate to the psychologically charged.  It includes work by Jeff Wall, Sonya Noskowiak, Minor White, Max Yavno, Lee Friedlander, Jack Welpott, James Welling, Imogen Cunningham, Danny Lyon, and Jo Ann Callis.

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Billboard home
Billboard home,  2006, © ©Andrew Phelps,  Chromogenic color print. Gift of the artist. Permission granted
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Buick Convertible and Family, Chicago
Buick Convertible and Family, Chicago,  1959, © © 1995 Center for Creative Photography,  The University of Arizona Foundation
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11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Jan. 4, 2013


Volkerding Print Viewing Room

Suburbia: to some a utopia of homogeneity and manicured lawns; to others a nightmare of boring uniformity and residential sprawl.

January's Photo Friday presents works by eight photographers of suburbia and suburban living.  The photographs of Lewis Baltz, Joe Deal, William Larson, Bill Owens, Mickey Pallas, Andrew Phelps, Arthur Taussig, and Garry Winogrand document various aspects of suburbia from the marketing and building of suburban developments to the realities of living in these communities.

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Crocus and Primroses, Orgeval
Crocus and Primroses, Orgeval,  1957, © © Aperture Foundation, Inc., Paul Strand Archive.,  Collection Center for Creative Photography, Purchase
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Pacific Ocean, Iwate, 1986. Series title: Time Exposed, 1991.
Pacific Ocean, Iwate, 1986. Series title: Time Exposed, 1991.,  ​ ​ © ©Hiroshi Sugimoto, courtesy Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco and Pace Gallery, New York,  Laser scanned tri-tone photolithograph. Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona: Purchase
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11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Dec. 7, 2012


Volkerding Print Viewing Room

December’s Photo Friday presents work by three master photographers who have created extraordinary images of places that inspired them:

  • Paul Caponigro’s spiritually moving photographs of Stonehenge explore individual standing stones and their position within the mysterious prehistoric monument as well as the site’s relationship to its surrounding landscape.
  • Hiroshi Sugimoto’s luminous images of water and air offer an ultimate distilling of the form of photographic landscape. They include an intriguing range of interpretations from the realistic to the sublime.
  • Near the end of his career, Paul Strand created poignantly beautiful images of his garden in Orgeval, France.  While these images offer the directness and precise vision that is quintessentially Strand, they also take a metaphorical turn, reflecting on issues such as aging.
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Cemetery Statue and Oil Derricks, Long Beach, California
Cemetery Statue and Oil Derricks, Long Beach, California,  1939, © ©The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust,  Collection Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona
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Día de Todos Muertos
Día de Todos Muertos,  1933, © ©Archivo Manuel Alvarez Bravo S.C.,  Collection Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona
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11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Nov. 2, 2012


Volkerding Print Viewing Room

Photo Friday offers an exclusive themed selection from the Center’s renowned collection of photographs—unframed for close inspection in the second floor viewing room—every month.

Death…whether encountered suddenly or after long anticipation, all humanity interprets and responds to the inevitable in very diverse ways.  In honor of our local Día de los Muertos, this Photo Friday theme, and the images featured, capture the shock of sudden departures, the grieving of those left behind, the celebration of passage and the memorializing of those gone.  This viewing presents these very personal moments as interpreted/captured through the lens of artists W. Eugene Smith, Weegee, Rosalind Solomon, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Edward Weston, Danny Lyon, Flor Garduño, William Mortensen, Joel-Peter Wilkin, Graciela Iturbide, Ansel Adams, Cy Lehrer, Jerome Liebling, and Gail Scoff.

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Priest, Series title: Quadrants
Priest, Series title: Quadrants,  1975, © ©Gibson, Ralph,  Gelatin silver print. Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona: Purchase
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Seligman, Arizona, Series title: Southwest
Seligman, Arizona, Series title: Southwest ,  1993, © ©Kozo Miyoshi,  Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona: Gift of the artist, DEP'T CO., LTD., Tokyo, Nippon Polaroid, Tsudani Oil Co. Ltd.
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11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 5, 2012


Volkerding Print Viewing Room

Photo Fridays offer an exclusive themed selection from the Center’s renowned collection of photographs—unframed for close inspection in the second floor viewing room—every month. The theme for October 5 will be Signs and Symbols.  Signs and symbols inhabit our daily lives as well as our memories. They are images, marks, and representations that evoke emotional responses while informing and recalling our existence. This viewing presents work by Lee Friedlander, Robert Frank, Carrie Mae Weems, Charles Harbutt, Ann Parker, Kozo Miyoshi, Ralph Gibson, Marion Palfi, W. Eugene Smith, Aaron Siskind and Jeffrey Wolin.

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Gun Shop Owners
Gun Shop Owners,  1956, © © 1995 Center for Creative Photography, The University of Arizona Foundation,  Mickey Pallas Archive/Gift of the artist and Pat Pallas
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Mother and Daughter, Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Mother and Daughter, Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga, Tennessee,  1976, © © Rosalind Solomon,  Collection Center for Creative Photography, Gift of Etherton/Stern Gallery
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11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sept. 7, 2012


Volkerding Print Viewing Room

Photo Fridays offer an exclusive themed selection from the Center’s renowned collection of photographs – unframed for close inspection in the second floor viewing room – every month. The theme for September 7 will be Family, and will include work by Shelby Lee Adams, Joan Barker, Harry Callahan, Jacques Henri Lartigue, Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Graciela Iturbide, Mickey Pallas, Paul Strand, and Rosalind Solomon.

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11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Feb. 3, 2012


Volkerding Print Viewing Room
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