Film Screening: "Kandahar Journals" by Louie Palu

Event Location: Center for Creative Photography Auditorium
Speaker: Louie Palu
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Louie Palu, award winning documentary photographer and filmmaker, will be in attendance for the screening of his new film. Kandahar Journals is a film which addresses the impossibility of photographs to convey the reality of war. This film is shown as part of the Arizona International Film Festival.  For trailer and details: Click Here

About the artist

Louie Palu’s work has appeared in festivals, publications + exhibitions internationally. He is the recipient of numerous awards including a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship for 2016, a Milton Rogovin Research Fellowship from the Center for Creative Photography in 2015, a Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting Grant and is a 2011-12 Bernard L Schwartz Fellow with the New America Foundation. He is well known for his work which examines social political issues such as human rights, conflict and poverty. See more of his work here: