Frances Murray Book Signing
We are excited to support this special Frances Murray book signing at Antigone Books, located at 411 N 4th Ave, Tucson, AZ 85705.
Artist, writer, and scholar Joanna Frueh scrutinizes ideals of beauty and sensuality, often motivated by her experiences with breast cancer. Photographer Frances Murray documents Frueh’s journey of unapologetic beauty in a series of intimate, dazzlingly original photographs before and after her bilateral mastectomy and chemotherapy. Unapologetic Beauty arrives at a new, liberating view of beauty and of the sensual pleasure found in transformative self-acceptance.
Unapologetic Beauty is a downright necessary meditation on women’s wisdom and beauty in aging. Joanna Frueh and Frances Murray—in writing and image—call out the fact that our ‘hyperbeauty’ culture relies on stereotypical ‘taboos’ to make individuals unique or edgy, when we must rather recognize that ‘real flesh, real love: they are the taboos.’ And the world needs more of both.
-Maria Elena Buszek, University of Colorado, Denver