Members' AIPAD New York Experience 2018
April 3-6, 2018 | New York City
The Photography Show presented by AIPAD will take place April 5-8, 2018
Tickets: $250 ($50 is tax-deductible)
Join the Center for the first annual Members only AIPAD New York experience. The price of tickets include an evening conversation and reception hosted by Christie’s Auction House, an exclusive tour with the Avedon Foundation, as well as a private tour of The Photography Show led by the Center's Chief Curator, Dr. Rebecca Senf, and so much more.
Tickets are available for purchase HERE! Prefer to make your reservation and payment over the phone? Call 520-621-7568.
*Space is very limited - only 15 spots are available.
*Attendees will be responsible for arranging their own airfare, travel, and hotel accommodations.
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