Lecture: Photograph / Viewer / Landscape: Revisiting the Reception of New Topographics, 1975

5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Aug. 29, 2017
Center for Creative Photography Auditorium
Emilia Mickevicius will present a lecture titled, "Photograph/Viewer/Landscape: Revisiting the Reception of New Topographics, 1975" at 5pm, August 29th, CCP Auditorium. She is a 2017 recipient of the Photographic Arts Council of Los Angeles Fellowship from the CCP and a PhD History of Art and Architecture scholar at Brown University, Providence. Her dissertation, “Dispassionate Landscapes: Style and Spectatorship in New Topographics, 1975,” re-analyzes one of the most important photographic exhibitions of the 20th century.