Rebecca Najdowski: Desert Pictures

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Desert Pictures series, c-print photogram, 14 in x 11 in
Desert Pictures series, c-print photogram, 14 in x 11 in,  2013, © © Rebecca Najdowski, 
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5:30 p.m. April 15, 2014


Center for Creative Photography Auditorium

In this presentation visual artist and writer Rebecca Najdowski will discuss how both the physical and conceptual terrains of the desert come to the surface in her artwork. This manifests in color analogue photograms, video, installation, and augmented reality interventions. In her practice she explores the potential of expanding photographic logic into other mediums through the creation of light installations and the engagement with materiality and limits of representation of photography and video. Najdowski uses the desert as a site to address notions of landscape, the sublime, phenomenology, perception, and the shifting territories of the intangible and the concrete. Currently, she is a Visiting Professor of Photography at the University of Arizona and the Artist Fellow at the Center for Creative Photography, Tucson.