Finding Meaning: An Offering of Photographs for an Uncertain Time
Photographs can support the journey through our diverse experiences of processing, loss, and healing; we all react and respond to images differently, based on our own life perspectives. In this exhibition the Center shares a range of photographs to encourage investigation, reflection, and restoration as we explore ideas central to this historical moment. The exhibition (both online and in the Center’s Main and Heritage galleries) will share images within five conceptual pairs that seem particularly resonant at this time: connection/isolation; wellness/illness; solace/discomfort; presence/absence; and communal/domestic. We will create opportunities to share thoughts and responses to the photographs, building a collective and multivocal conversation about how we are experiencing and coping during this time.
Finding Meaning: An Offering of Photographs for an Uncertain Time is available to view online here and on CCP Interactive, our new mobile app.
Curated by:
Brian Ganter, Assistant Program Manager
Meg Jackson Fox, Associate Curator, Academic & Public Programs
Adam Monohon, Curatorial Assistant
Audrey Sands, Norton Family Assistant Curator of Photography
Rebecca Senf, Ph.D., Chief Curator, Center for Creative Photography